Friday, July 19, 2019

Day 5 Cow Milking, Science, Coffee Tour, Hang Out Time, Science

Today was much more relaxed than the previous few days have been. It started off with a tour of CIEE's farming and ranching facilities and their Biodigester, an experience which impressed upon many of us the sustainability of the facility here.

Following that we headed almost immediately to breakfast, where we followed the usual routine of eating, talking, and sitting on the porch in rocking chairs.

The science today was particularly productive for many of us. Most groups are now through the major research and data gathering portions of their posters, and are now looking at solid figures and poster outlines. The newfound perspective on our project invigorated many of us, giving the sense of leaps and bounds in progress.

After lunch we took a tour of a two coffee farms, one where we learned about the agricultural methods in growing coffee, and one where we learned about the roasting process. I think the first farm we went to (the agricultural one) was the most fun for most of us. In addition to coffee, there were beans, corn, goats, dogs, bananas and sugar cane. Our host was kind enough to let us try the bananas, and we made juice from the sugar cane. At the second farm we were invited inside to cups of hot, fresh grown and roasted coffee. I'm personally not a coffee drinker, but it was delicious.

On the walk back to our cabinas we stopped at a grocery store to stock up on candy bars, chips, and other snack foods. We got back with about two hours to relax, talk, and play various card games.

The dinner we had tonight was fantastic, maybe the best one yet. The beans were in a slightly more Mexican style, with onions and peppers, and it was served with a delicious pork mashed potato dish, and fresh corn tortillas. Our desert today was ice cream, an extra special treat to celebrate one of the resident naturalists birthdays.

The post dinner science was shorter than normal, on the condition that we all catch up on our sleep so we can be ready to go tomorrow. I look forward to the horseback riding, and the time in town to explore the area a bit.

Lucas Akers

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